Nowhere To Goa is a travel adventure novel that takes off when Scott, a studious sophomore at Northwestern University, flies halfway around the world to bring home his troublesome twin brother who has just been released from jail in India after a run-in with the law; something to do with a bhang lassi, a rickshaw, and a holy cow!
But when his brother proves hard to reel in, Scott’s three day jaunt turns into an epic journey, taking him from the islands of Thailand to the mountains of Nepal, from India’s Pushkar Camel Fair to the sacred Ganges River, and ultimately to the balmy beaches lining the Arabian Sea, where the story reaches its climatic finish at one of Goa’s infamous Full Moon Parties.
In trying to find his brother, Scott loses himself in the pursuit of knowledge, purpose, and love as he hitches a hedonistic ride on South East Asia’s backpacker scene and the quest for the endless summer that has him questioning everything he has—and hasn’t learned.